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Competitive Purchase Exceptions

Institutional policy allows for item(s) to be directly purchased from a vendor if the purchase falls into one of the following categories:

*Sole Source - If you wish to purchase an item that is proprietary in nature or is only available through a single source vendor you are able to receive a sole source exemption.

*Laboratory Scientific Research Project Supplies & Equipment - If you need items for your research project that are under $25,000, you are able to receive an exemption from bidding.

*State Contract Purchases.

Additional Non-Competitive Exceptions

  • Public Works Construction procured through the Facilities Management Department up to $100,000.
  • Software Purchases up to $225,000.
  • Used Equipment
  • Intergovernmental Purchases

Cellular Phone Service - To obtain wireless service please contact Information Media Network

Cellular State Contracts available:

  • AT & T Wireless Devices and Services – State Contract Number 4400020576
  • T-Mobile Wireless Devices and Service – State Contract Number 4400020636

Authorized Dealer - Louisiana procurement law permits the non-competitive purchase of equipment repairs and/or associated repair parts directly from an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or any OEM-Authorized Dealer.  To ensure University compliance, a authorized Agent of company is required to certify the current dealer status.  The Authorized Dealer Certification form must be completed and submitted with a purchase requisition to the Purchasing Office PRIOR to any repairs or purchase of repair parts.

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