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Special Meals

What is a special meal?

Special Meals are meals consisting of two or more people.  Meals where one of more people entertain a job candidate or invited guest, or an employee working meeting where a meal or refreshments are served are considered Special Meal.

Examples of a Special Meal include:

  • Visiting Dignitary
  • Executive Level Persons from other Governmental Units
  • Working Meals
  • Agency Sponsored Conferences
  • Job Candidates or Interviewees
  • Student Events
  • Fee-Based Events

 (Louisiana State Travel Regulations PPM 49, Section 1509-1510.)

Prior to the event:

To obtain approval for a Special Meal a Pre-Approval in Chrome River must be submitted PRIOR TO THE EVENT

After the event:

Only when using LaCarte card:

After the event, the pre-approval is imported to the Expense Report, expenses are identified, LaCarte transactions are reconciled to the line of the Expense Report and receipts are attached. Once this is done, the Expense Report is ready to be submitted.  The Expense Report must be completed within 60 days of the end of the travel or Special Meal.  If the Expense Report has not been submitted, the charges will be due from the employee. A list of attendees and itemized receipt must be attached to the Expense Report in Chrome River.  If more than 15 people are invited to the function, a flyer or email showing who was invited may substitute for an actual list of attendees; however, the number of anticipated attendees must be provided.

NOTE: Delivery fees, service fees, non-cash fees, china rental, and cups, plates and utensils are added to the cost of the food when calculating the per person rate.  A tip of up to 20% of the allowable rate is allowed in addition to the meal rate.  Louisiana state taxes are not allowed.  Room rental charges, tents, tables, chairs, fountains, chafing dishes, linens, bartenders/servers, and/or audio-visual equipment rental are to be invoiced separately, and are not added into the per person cost of the meal.

If alcohol is served, a separate receipt must be issued and paid for with personal funds. If Foundation funds are to be requested, a Foundation Warrant may be submitted for reimbursement to the employee.  Alcohol can NEVER be charged on the LaCarte card.

Special Meal Rates:

Effective October 21, 2024, Special Meal Rates have changed to match the GSA rates for the area that the meal is held in, and the Refreshment rate has increased to $5.50/person.  (Ex: Special Meals held in Lafayette will be $16 for Breakfast, $19 for Lunch, $28 for Dinner, and $5.50 for Refreshments)  For rates outside of Lafayette, please include the location Business Purpose and refer to the GSA tables at Per diem rates | GSA.  Reminder:  Special Meals are those that are infrequent, extraordinary, and/or emergency situations.

Methods for payment or Reimbursement:

  • LaCarte Card can be used for Special Meals payment at a restaurant. Submit an Expense Report in Chrome River including original itemized receipts. A list of attendees and itemized receipt must be attached to the Expense Report in Chrome River.  If more than 15 people are invited to the function, a flyer or email showing who was invited may substitute for an actual list of attendees; however, the number of anticipated attendees must be provided.  When ordering from Sodexo, they must stay within State Rates.
  • Banner Requisition is required to pay Vendor directly when the total amount exceeds the Competitive Thresholds.  Attach a listing of participants to the Banner Requisition that is to be submitted PRIOR TO THE EVENT with applicable quotes based on the Competitive thresholds.  The VP for Administration & Finance is the only authorized signature for agreements.  Attach the UNSIGNED agreement to the requisition and the Purchasing Office will process.  

If the Foundation is reimbursing, Foundation rules apply.